Contact us today:
Tel or WhatsApp: (+1) 604 396 4770
Email: zoomebikes@gmail.com
East Beach, White Rock, British Columbia, Canada
Our 'E' Vision
​'E' = Electric = Environmental
We are an Environmentally friendly and conscious company and value our beautiful planet and wish to make it a better place for our children and our grandchildren.
Electric bikes use no petrol/gas, are extremely cheap to re-charge, and are a fabulous way of keeping fit and healthy, while re-connecting with nature and having fun, fun, fun.
Take a look at our other Environmental products in store, including repurposed designer clothing lines.
The Value to YOU of Zoom E-bikes
​Fun, fun, fun...and more fun
We are so fortunate to live in Beautiful British Columbia in Canada and what better location than gorgeous White Rock.We are surrounded on 3 sides by a most beautiful coastline.
Within minutes there are beautiful beaches, boardwalks and coastal rides and numerous forest trails.to explore. The coastal hills add to the beauty and now you can enjoy them with ease !
Our Mission
​Transforming Transport
The world of transport has changed in 2020. Public transport can only now accommodate a small percentage of its previously overcrowded capacity to allow social distancing.
With cars deemed to be a solution to social distancing the traffic jams can only get worse and with struggling economies car ownership is expensive.
World leaders are seeing E-bikes as a solution.
Re-connect with nature on your Zoom E-bike, our region is so beautiful.